

Friday, February 11, 2011

Surgery PT 2

Things I forgot to mention. First, her voice changed post surgery. She sounded extremely congested. We didn't know it at the time but it was due to the packing in her mouth. Once one half of it fell out her voice went back to normal. I didn't pack slippers or anything and forgot how hard hospital floors are. There is a good reason nurses wear orthopedic shoes. For the love of God pack comfortable shoes! Bring your own pillow b/c if you don't know yet, hospital pillows are a joke. I brought my own formula, which went bad b/c there was no fridge. They brought us formula, diapers, and wipes. I didn't pack nearly enough snacks and food, I had to go to the cafeteria when my husband was around, or order room service. I may have packed my moby wrap because Ellie was very very clingy and that may have helped my poor aching back. I didnt pack my DS or my laptop but instead brought my tablet. In retrospect I would have packed both because I never got to use the tablet, and for the most part I sat in a chair with one hand holding the baby and one hand on the remote. By the way, the cable was being "upgraded" so the TV was out. I really should have brought more entertainment that I could do one-handed. I didn't need her nightlight or noise machine, but the noise machine may have helped a little. Hard to tell for certain.

We had heard the kids bounce back in 48 hours. We have found this to be untrue. The first 24 hours were easy, she was on morphine and asleep. The second 24 hours were less enjoyable. To be perfectly honest, I miss my happy baby. She's not her old self and I'm worried she'll never be the same. Probably irrational. She's giggled a few times but for the most part the spark in her eyes is gone. That, to me, has been the worst part of this entire ordeal.

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